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World warned on food price spiral

"As part of the BBC's cost of food day, two farmers explain how rising food prices are affecting them." Biofuels and climate change


'Dirty bomb' threat as UK ships plutonium to France

"From Sellafield, an ordinary, unarmed ferry is to transport weapons-ready plutonium – material that could easily be used to make a 'dirty bomb'"


Back to black: return to coal power

"The Government will today anger environmentalists by signalling its support for a controversial new generation of coal-fired power stations and warning that Britain needs to burn more fossil fuels to prevent power cuts."


Climate change may spark conflict with Russia, EU told

"Alert over scramble for control of energy resources in the Arctic"


Shetlands storm over giant wind farm

"Opponents claim that a plan for 155 turbines is too big and will harm nature and the quality of life"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 816 to 820 out of 1050